
Below are some sample pictures of previous art projects. If nothing else mentioned, all pictures are licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND license.


Tail Oar Swift | 2024

This was a playful art project relying on biomimicry. Inspired by different tail fins, I tried out an alternative stern sculling systems. Therefore, the subtitle for the project was Tuning into Tuna.

The final experiments were carried out during mid-november 2024 in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Here is a short video documentary about the project:…


Sun Strokes | 2024

In this art project, I built a simple drawing machine from recycled materials and then experimentally made ten different drawings with sunlight.

The project, which was accomplished during late summer and early autumn of 2024, deals with climate change (the subtitle was Postcards from the near future?).

Here is a video about the project:…


Vibrasjoner | 2024

This was a co-exhibition together with artist Josef Halse at Nordkappmuseet in Honningsvåg, Norway/Sápmi. The exhibition was opened at the Sámi National Day on 6th February.

Here is an article and a podcast that Radio Nordkapp made about the opening of the exhibition:…

Some of the artworks are shortly described in this video:…

Photo: © Erik Lingjærde


Mustarinda | 2023

In December I spent two weeks at the Mustarinda residency ( During that time I worked on several different projects. For example, I built a sleigh of recycled materials. When going home, I symbolically skied back to the bus stop in Hyrynsalmi. Here is a short video about that project:…


Rájahis | 2023

The “Rájahis / Ilman rajoja / Gränslöst / Without Borders” exhibition was a cross-border collaborative project that I made together with multi-artist Hilde Skancke Pedersen from Guovdageaidnu in Sápmi. The name of the exhibition refers to crossing borders and envisioning without limits.

The theme of the exhibition related to, for example; environmental issues, equality and justice, the climate, the environment, sustainabilty, solidarity, democracy, hope, faith in the future, recycling, a cyclical mindset, low tech, biomimicry, improvisation, simplicity, slowness and dualism.

In connection to the exhibition there were artist talks as well as screenings of some sámi films: Ellos eatnu, Máhccan, Tystnaden i Sápmi and Je’vida.

The exhibition was held 13.10–5.11.2023 at Black Wall Gallery in Vaasa, Finland. You can get a sense of it through this brief virtual tour:…


Rethinking our ways of doing things | 2022–2023

This ongoing project can be described as playful 3D sketching of ideas, by using recycled material. So far, I have released 15 videos from this serial project on my YouTube channel:…

Objects from these artistic processes will probably be part of upcoming exhibitions.


The Snail | 2022

This is one object from a playful serial project about a concept for perpetuum mobiles – relying on temperature differences. I also made a turtle and plan to construct other animals, for example a sloth that automatically climbs up a tree. These objects will probably be part of an upcoming exhibition. Here is a video about the snail:…


Sápmi–Svenskfinland | 2022

During 2022 I made the publication ”Sápmi–Svenskfinland : Samtal om kultur, miljö och rättvisa” (in Swedish). I interviewed artists and activists in Sápmi and Svenskfinland about culture, environmental issues and justice. You can read the publication on my Issuu account (it is split into two part, since the Issue basic plan has been limited to 50 pages per document):…

The picture above is from the Runeberg culture week in Jakobstad. Ingela Bodbacka-Rak (at left in the picture) moderated a conversation between me and Anni-Kristiina Juuso, one of the persons being interviewed in the publication. Anni-Kristiina – both actor and lawyer – participated via Zoom.

Photo: © Eric Söderström


Nordic Forum for Culture and Science | 2022

In early 2022 I was selected to participate in the Nordic Forum for Culture and Science, and spent two weeks at Drakamöllan in Skåne/Sweden. Besides of working with my own projects I got the opportunity to get inspiration from the other participants and the fantastic environment. Here is some information about the Nordic Forum for Culture and Science:…


Olkienkelit - Halmänglar | 2021

I was one of three artists commissioned to make a proposal for a public sculpture in the city center of Vaasa. My vision was anchored in local history and the city’s coat of arms. Here is my proposal (in Finnish and Swedish):…

Above is one of several 3D-generated pictures that I made of the proposal.


Jarred Visions | 2021

Here is an example of the many projects I made during 2021. In this conceptual and experimental art project I was inspired by the concepts of bottle biospheres and impossible bottles. Instead of using soil, plants and model ships I placed tiny solar panels and DC electric motors in glass jars and sealed them up. Sunlight then sets pieces of bent metal wire in motion, thus generating three different 3D volumes: a blue cylinder, a yellow sphere and a red cone. Here is a short video about the project:…


Artist Talks etc. | 2021

During 2021, I held several artist talks and participated in webinars and panel discussions, for example ”Less is more – more or less” at the RUSK chamber music festival in Jakobstad and ”The Forest is Calling” arranged by Nordic Culture Point in Helsinki. Here is an archived video of that live stream:…

The picture above is a screenshot from Nordic Culture Point's facebook stream page.


Mäntän kuvataideviikot | 2021

In the summer of 2021, I participated in Mäntän kuvataideviikot with several works – two installations as well as three short films. In the picture above you can see the interactive "Alternative Facts Generators" light installation which gave visitors the opportunity to generate and share their own facts and truths.

Here is a short presentation of the work in Mandarin Chinese.

Here are the short films from the art project "Artefacts – Alternative ways of presenting facts" (click to open in YouTube):
1. Walk the Talk – Facts by Footprints
2. The Albedo Effect – Carbon literally sinks
3. Silent Spring Collection 2021 – Dressed for Factfulness


Røst AiR | 2020

In late summer of 2020, I got the opportunity to spend some time at Røst AiR, which is situated in the outermost part of Lofuohta in Sápmi. After my residency, I made the publication ”Views and Visions from the Wild”, which you can read here.


Perca navicula | 2020

Some years ago I was invited to an art competition. My proposal was finally realized around midsummer 2020.The Fish´n´boat sculpture Perca navicula is made of steel (stainless and corten) and symbolizes the connection and interaction between culture and nature. The sculpture was funded by the municipality of Larsmo and manufactured by the local company STH Steel.


The Wind Obelisk | 2019

In Autumn 2019, I finished a wind sculpture for The Museum of Technology in Helsinki ( The sculpture combines the three elements: wind, water and sun. It’s construction is inspired by nature and biomimicry. The turbine is made out of recycled oil barrels.

Here is a movie clips from the construction process:


AiR at Mustarinda | 2018

During September 2018 I was working as artist in residence at Mustarinda, which is situated next to the Paljakka Strict Nature Reserve in the Kainuu region of Finland ( I carried out different artistic wind experiments – inspired by nature and biomimicry.

Here are some movie clips from the projects:


Humlefestival | 2018

In August 2018 I was invited to participate in the Humlefestival. I were also given the opportunity to share some thoughts about sustainability during a Talking Head session.

More info about the Humlefestival:

Photo: © Petter West


(S)low-tech exhibition 2018

In July 2018 I had an exhibition at The Museum of Technology in Helsinki. The exhibition presented different projects that I had been working with during the past years. I also published a book for the exhibition.

More info about The Museum of Technology:


Wind-driven Ice Carousel | 2018

This project was made at the worlds first Ice Carousel Festival in Lohja, Finland. Using recycled bed-linen I made an ice carousel spin. The weight of the rotating ice sheet was about 6 tons and the wind speed approx. 3-6 meters per second.

Here you can see the carousel in action:

More info about the festival can be found at: and Facebook


Wind-driven Ice Carousel | 2018

An artistic research project made in colaboration with Janne Käpylehto. An ice carousel with a weight of about 6 tons spins smoothly already at a windspeed of about 4 metres per second. Photo: © Janne Käpylehto

Here you find more info and a movie clip about the project:


Positiva | 2018

An exhibition that I made in cooperation with the BioFoto Finland Photography Association. My part of the exhibition consisted of two installations and three screens, showing different wind sculpture projects.

You can watch the movie clips at my YouTube-channel:


Wind Carousels on Ice – Prototypes | 2017–2018

During the winter season 2017–2018 I made different experiments with vertical wind turbines rotating on sea ice. After making small scale models, I upscaled some of the ideas.

You can see movies about some of the projects at my YouTube-channel:


Wind Carousels on Ice – Small Scale Models | 2017–2018

During the winter season 2017–2018 I made different experiments with vertical wind turbines rotating on sea ice. At first I made digital 3D visualisations, then some small scale models.

You can see movies about some of the projects at my YouTube-channel:


A Tribute to the Persian Windmill | 2016

Triptych consisting of three wind sculptures. This experimental art project was exhibited in front och the Vaasa City Art Gallery in Finland. The project was inspired by the principles of the ancient Persian Windmill - a simple construction in which one side of a vertical turbine is covered whereas the wind pressure affects only the opposite side of the vertical axis. The turbines are floating on water, generating minimum friction at a low cost. The sculptures are made out of recycled materials - for example fabric from old raincoats. The project illustrates the potential of lowbudget&lowtech solutions as an opposite to the hype for high tech.

Here you can see a movie clip of the final versions in action:


Positiva - the wishing tree | 2016

This installation proposes a constructive approach towards a deeply concerning question: nuclear power and the final deposit of nuclear waste. What are the alternatives? What does your visions of a sustainable future look like? What are you dreaming about - what do you wish for? The construction illustrates the tunnel system in a future nuclear waste repository - turned upside down.


A Tribute to the Persian Windmill - small scale models | 2016

In 2016 I was invited to the Bothnia Biennale. A part of my exbibition in the Vaasa City Art Gallery consisted of small scale models of wind turbines - fans made them spin.

Here you can see the models in action:


Selfie 24-7 | 2016

This piece of art comments on the individualistic and narcissistic culture of today. The mockup smartphones (as well as tablets) were made out of recycled particle boards and mirror glass.


A ladder to the stars | 2016

This installation plays with perspectives. By using two way mirror glass and LED illumination I created an infinite view with an infinte ladder downwards to the stars.


Ti-La | 2016

In the beginning of 2016 I was invited to the Ti-La exhibition in Jyväskylä. I made several pieces, commenting on for example nuclear energy and individualism. The exibition called "Upside Down" however also proposed constructive solutions and alternative approaches to solving the unsustainabilty of our times. Photo: © Juho Jäppinen


Beyond Hubris - a seminar on sustainability | 2015

I arranged this seminar as part of my art project "Sketches and models for the future". In this poster you can see the seminar programme. I wanted to enlighten and generate an open discussion about sustainability from different points of view.

You can see the lectures and a panel discussion here (in swedish):
Part 1/6: Djupekologin som värdegrund i syftet att undvika katastrof
Part 2/6: Jorden har feber - klimatkrisen och framtiden
Part 3/6: Tid för ett gott liv
Part 4/6: Tillväxtens slut - omställningens tid
Part 5/6: Lokala berättelser
Part 6/6: Paneldiskussion


Sketches and models for the future | 2015

As part of this playful exhibition at Gallery GRO in Pietarsaari I made different small scale models out of recycled materials - fans made the models spin. I wanted to investigate the possibility of developing lowtech wind turbines with a minimum budget. Photo: © Beate Berntsen

You can see some of the models in action here:


Sketches and models for the future | 2015

This exhibition - consisting of 120 sketches, smallscale models and movies - illustrated a playful creative process. The sketches were also published in a book (in swedish) which you can download here. Photo: © Beate Berntsen


Spetsmönster | 2008

Light sculpture in front of a school complex in Pedersöre. The sculpture symbolizes the tip (in swedish: spets) of a pencil and it is is made of stainless steel. A lace pattern (in swedish: spetsmönster) in the is enlighted.


House of Cards | 2008

Light sculpture made of stainless steel. This was the winning proposal in a national art competition held in connection with the Housing fair in Vaasa. The sculpture symbolizes our modern civilization which is technically thriving, but at the same time it is very fragile - like a house of cards.


House of Cards | 2008

The sculpture seen in daylight from above. The Cards are made of stainless steel and hence reflect sunlight. The construction, which has an overall height of about 7 metres, is situated by the sea.


Hallvars lykta | 2005

This is a memorial sculpture for Paul Hallvar (1913-1961). Using two way mirror glass an inner light box i reflected infinitely in three directions. The sculpture was sponsored by a energy company in Pietarsaari.


ARTiPELAGO - reflected pictures | 2005

The name for this art project is a shortening of "art in the archipelago". Six photographs - some of them taken by photographer Jonas Brunnström - were glued onto aluminium plates and mounted under bridges in the archipelago between Pietarsaari and Kokkola. Some of the pictures are enlighted in the dark and reflected in the water. The reflected picture changes according to wind and waves.

Here is an old website for the project (some malfunctioning links):


ARTiPELAGO - points of view | 2005

Another part of the ARTiPELAGO project consists of twelve brass signs placed in the archipelago outside the community of Larsmo. Each sign has its own pattern inspired by traditional Ostrobothnian handcraft. The signs are mapped with GPS coordinates and each sign has a story linked to it. The idea of the project could be compared with geocaching, which later on has become popular hobby.

Here is an old website for the project (some malfunctioning links):


Spotlife | 2001

Light installation at the Forces of Light festival in Helsinki. Soap was pumped between two glass plates, making light filter. The projected light pattern was constantly changing, symbolizing a dividing cell and the fact that light generates life.


Spotlife | 2001

Light installation at the Forces of Light festival in Helsinki. A spot light, soap, a pump and a timer generated a ever changing light pattern.


Urban ruska | 1999/2000

Light installation at the Forces of Light festival in Helsinki. By projecting coloured light on bicycle reflectors I brought a feeling of "the Ruska in Lapland" to Helsinki in the millennium shift. The reflectors turned gently in the wind generation the feeling of a mirage.


Birdhouses | xxxx

A village consisting of alternative birdhouses were built during an art project in the archipelago outside the community of Korsholm. The installation was a playful comment on a serious fact: nature and animals having to adapt because of human activities.


Pillar of fire | xxxx

Light sculpture made of orange coloured bicycle reflectors. This sculpture was exhibited at several places. In the picture you can see it at a music festival in Pietarsaari.


Letters in space | 2004

This installation was a tribute to the 200 years anniversary of writer J.L.Runeberg. It consisted of 200 letters hanging in the trees of Runeberg park in Pietarsaari. In night time the letters were enlighted from below. Since Runeberg wrote the poem which later became the national anthem of Finland, the letters were painted in blue with the white snow, symbolizing the colours of the Finnish flag.


Reflections | xxxx

Light installation consisting of bicycle reflectors attached to a welded metal frame. The installation generated exciting reflections and shadows as the reflectors were turning in the wind.


Cow | xxxx

Cow made of Pine cone seeds, exhibitioned at the workshop "Playing ground Finlandia" in the community of Nykarleby.